Sunday, March 29, 2015
Subsequently..... Judge Lambert needs to step down off the OSullivan cases !
According to the minutes from the hearing that took place with out OSullivan being present Judge Lambert claimed Mr Frank Miller ,Delaware County's Insurance carrier attorney presented a meritorious case and granted the motion even after Judge Lambert knew the details presented were not of fact . Link below says it all !
Independence of Representation in Court and Judicial Accountability in the United States: You sued a judge - the judiciary will get even wit...: Judge John F. Lambert of Otsego County Court, assigned to made two cases in Delaware County, one a civil case in the Delaware County Suprem...
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Topic to be filed later today Manipulation of Court filings in PA , NY and NC
I am just finishing up a lengthy blog I plan to post later today I write about Ryan Adams manipulation of his filings between the courts in Pennsylvania, New York and North Carolina with attached exhibits .Adams not only makes a mockery out of his lack of a family Care plan but he continues to take matters in to his own hands bringing psychological damage to my grand child .
Included in that same blog I also write about the coalition that was formed against Attorney Tatiana Neroni by those who are intertwined with in the courts As well I share my thoughts of why such negative actions taken against her and continue after the fact . Those who took part where looking out for their own self interest and not for the interest of what was right ! Especially what was right for my innocent beautiful grand daughter who is suffering from their unethical acts of such vengeance
Stay tuned !
It's now posted below
Included in that same blog I also write about the coalition that was formed against Attorney Tatiana Neroni by those who are intertwined with in the courts As well I share my thoughts of why such negative actions taken against her and continue after the fact . Those who took part where looking out for their own self interest and not for the interest of what was right ! Especially what was right for my innocent beautiful grand daughter who is suffering from their unethical acts of such vengeance
Stay tuned !
It's now posted below
Friday, March 20, 2015
Manipulation of the PA , the NC and NY Courts backed by those members of the Coalition !
I sparked someones attention with my last post as of now I had over 600 views to my blog since Monday
Just wonder who it might be ? I can only surmise!
Ok ,so back to where I left off... Of course on Wednesday as per the court order my daughter gets the answering machine when she exercises her phone visitation to speak with my grand daughter Estella . Sadly its been that way since November !
Just like the PA Judge Barrett said and knew what would happen if he sent Estella to North Carolina to live with her Father To send this child to North Carolina is a death sentence for mother's relationship with the child.
Judge Barrett was the only judge to hear the facts behind this case Unlike the New York Judges, their staff as well as Law Guardians who were so intertwined that they formed a coalition to attack Attorney Tatiana Neroni at ever step of the way !It did not matter what Attorney Neroni submitted right ,wrong or indifferent it was denied . Isn't that right Lisa Gordon ?
You choose to discuss your opinion about Tatiana Neroni to not only my daughters council but to my daughter in a conference room when you knew my daughter was represented which is against procedure but what would you know about procedure ? No one ever checks on you , Lisa Gordon because you are a independent contractor to the court . You can do as you please Now tell me that's not true and I will prove you otherwise !
I believe that your conference with my daughter on July 10th was after she filed motion to have both you and the Judge Kushner recused as well as for an emergency relief because you never prepared an order of summer visitation of my grand daughter . I will cover those issues in another blog but for now I will get back to my topic.
I try to figure out why there was such a coalition by the courts to bring such negative actions towards Attorney Neroni no matter what and there are still those who continue to do so even after the fact !Here is my conclusion ,Attorney Tatiana Neroni is Russian , She speaks with a accent , shoots straight from the hip so at times when people are proven to be wrong especially those in authority who can not accept that they have been proven otherwise Moreover, my biggest conclusion is the fact that the majority of those who joined the coalition against Attorney Neroni are JEWISH and the fact that Tatiana Neroni is Russian leads me to believe those same JEWS hold prejudices against Russians because of acts that were committed committed against the JEWS by the Russians during WW11 ! Its sad to say but true ! A few months back someone of Jewish faith who held a position of authority slipped up with a statement that has stuck with me. Tell me I am wrong and I tell you more !
Anyway so, as I mentioned in my last blog that Ryan Adams who is a so called Marine lacks a Family Care Plan( FCP) which is mandatory for all members of the military as well as civilians who are part of the military .
I will demonstrate to you how Ryan Adams has manipulated the courts regarding the his lack of a Family Care Plan which contrary to his belief has all do with a single parent having custody of a child.
As mentioned previously that in January of 2012 I applied to Montgomery County Family Court in Pennsylvania as a intervener when it became known to my daughter that Adams was excused from a court appearance because he claimed had to be away for a few weeks due to a training course with the military Seeing that my daughter had joint custody of my grand daughter Estella this would lead to the question of who was left to care for my grand daughter during that time seeing that no one other than the parents had rights to my grand child . So rather than uproot Estella from school I filed to be an intervener so that I could stay with her perhaps in a local hotel suite until the father returned My daughter was a full time student at the time and being that I was free to help I offered . Plus there also came the issue of the lack of the family care plan . At that time Adams still did not have FCP At a prior time my daughter had FOILed the Military to see if she was listed on Adams family care plan as the mother of Estella However ,this came after it was discovered that that Ryan's wife Darcie had been listing herself as Estella's mothers. Like I had mentioned before no one would know otherwise because they have the same last name . Below is the answer to my daughter FOIL request
NO FCP FOUND ! To know there was no existence of a FCP even after Adams had two additional children was concerning as well as it answered the question of whether or not my Daughter Alecia was listed as Estella's mother . Please keep in mind that it was mandatory then and still is now for a military member to have a FCP in place .
However during the custody trial in Pennsylvania the FCP was put to the side when custody was given back to my daughter .
Moreover, when Adams removed Estella from her school in Albany NY when he claimed he had a order to do so when in fact he did not All he had was an opinion by a retired Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge who claimed it was his opinion that custody or my grand child should be reversed by an order to be issued by the lower court That opinion came after Adams claimed in an appeal he was not given a proper relocation hearing which I will go into further detail of those issues in another blog
However, both my daughter and I filed a Writ of Habeas in Albany County Supreme Court for the return of my grand child claiming that Adams had no legal right to remove my grand child from school on September 12th 2013 as well as he had no legal right remove her from New York with out a proper order from the lower court as per the opinion that was issued online on September 10th! As well as New York State Department of Education had no policy or procedure that allowed anyone to release my grand child to the father during school hours as it was considered a civil matter which the school had no jurisdiction to intervene with a custody matter .
For those Attorneys and staff who told us we were wrong by filing out Writ of Habeas in Albany Supreme Court need to refresh their knowledge to the law .
Adams goes on to claim that the Military Family Care Plan has nothing to do with custody He further goes on to state not to mention of how the courts can uphold military regulation So in essence Adams is saying yeah its military regulation but this court has no knowledge so therefore they will not do anything Its exactly what happened ! Because those who think that because they have a law degree either don't know of what is being said or they don't bother to look into what was said somehow it doesn't apply plus it does not matter to them. Once again Military Law is Federal law and Federal Law supersedes state law Then again what do I know after all I don't have a law degree ! Is that right Nancy Stroud Esq ?
Ok so it gets better as soon as Adams feels the courts might not be ruling in his favor he does like he has always, files in a jurisdiction that doesn't have jurisdiction in hopes of getting an order that might be to his advantage Like Adams did in July of 2014 after Judge Walsh a Albany County Family Court Judge who gave an order to my daughter that allowed her to have summer visitation with my grand child That order came after Albany County Law Guardian, Lisa Gordon was ordered to make an order per verbal instruction by Judge Kushner as well as it just happened to be that Judge Kushner could not be made available to issue her order when Gordon failed to do so However , it seems that Adams ran a little scared when his team who were also part the coalition didn't accomplish their effort to stop summer visitation So low and behold Adams files for to relocate in Onslow County NC where jurisdiction had not passed to * See below
Please note that Adams makes no mention of the Family Care Plan knowing that its been an issue in past court proceeding . You have to take into mind that Onslow County one of the biggest Marine Bases is located that being Camp Lejeune which is the base Adams resides As well as North Carolina Courts have whole section of law that deals with the Military . Adams files his motion to relocate in North Carolina in hopes that motion would not be answered by my daughter seeing that he sent the motion in a large priority envelope among other large filings with exhibits which appeared to be filed intentionally served that way in hopes the file would go unnoticed Also bear in mind that Onslow County Courts are very busy he might of just lucked out and get a judge to authorize his relocation with out a blink of an eye !
However Adams keeps reverting back to New York orders as far back as 2008 NY .... NY..... NY .......
and lastly take a look at how Adams ends his request to relocate
Plaintiff seeks that North Carolina will honor the prevision of the Family Court of New York State in that his future relocation's that are an obligation to his career in the US Marine Corp would not warrant a change of circumstances for courts intervention
WHAT????? WOW! ..... WOW!
Superior Court of PA issued an opinion in which the court agreed with Adams claim in his appeal that he was denied his petition to relocate under the mandatory provisions of
23 Pa C.S.A. 5337 asking whether the court erred and abused its discretion. That's exactly what the opinion stated
So now you got Adams claiming to the North Carolina Court based on what New York claimed after Ryan had already relocated to PA in which the NY court had made that ruling to protect him mind you this came after Becker's decision was modified So, if that is the case why would there be a need for Adams to file a petition in Pa to relocate and then file an appeal because the Judge denied you custody ?
Look, this is exactly the same pattern of behavior that Adams has had right along but no one take heat to these forms of manipulations.
When the Appellate Division ruled against Judge Becker's finding her relocates
Same thing in PA when he feels that the Judge is not on his side he files to relocate but fails to let the court know his position is granted by application and not by obligation
Then when his team supporters and members of the coalition in Albany let him down failing to block my daughter from obtaining a court order of visitation by Judge Walsh who did the right thing he files for a relocation ! However a relocation for Adams was a very slim possibility !
Now when there was filing in Delaware County and Adams files an emergency relief as follows
Please note in Section D Adams completely circumvents the real issue of the Family Care Plan and the fact that he is a single parent is against military regulations which in my previous blog I included links to back my statements that contradicts what Adams claims to this court Then Adams has the audacity to state that what is of fact that is claimed against him is senseless and outlandish !
Ok so I would like to know how many of the 22 million other Military Members lack a Family Care Plan , how many are single parents and how many have more dependents allowed under military regulations as wells as how many were allowed to enlist with more than then the military allowed ?
Shall I go on?
As you can see Adams had claimed that Jurisdiction is in North Carolina as per a July 2nd order However, somehow on July 10th when my daughter was in court for a petitions she had filed seeking a written order of visitation that was ignored by both Gordon and Kushner because Adams refused to honor the oral order in which Judge Walsh had issued a temporary order Coincidentally, the order of July 2nd had not been issued nor had the attorney who was representing my daughter at the time in receipt of that order Nothing like a little undermindedness going on ! To top it all off Judge Jones of Onslow County issued an order of jurisdiction dated September 30th 2014 after she had a conversation with New York Judge Revoir which I write about in a previous blog.
Plus Adams makes reference to the claim of frustration of visitation stating that Petitioner misrepresents and portrays herself as a mother who is being denied
Adams what misrepresentation are being made now ? Especially when Mother exercises her phone visitation every Sunday and Wednesday but since November all she gets the answering machine when she calls ..... HUH ?
As well as when Mother tries to exercise her physical visitation with my grand child who is trapped in base housing in which mother can not obtain access onto Camp lejeune to retrieve my grand child
Plus Mother is threatened by Adams stating that if he finds that my daughter is in North Carolina she will have other issues to deal with!. As well as he threatened her while she tries to arrange physical visitation but phone while in the attorneys office in North Carolina so all could hear his threats !
Adams claim of fame is that everything that is flied is" frivolous and sanctions" need to be issued I will have more on that subject at another time
I will end for now and continue at another time
I wake every morning with the thoughts of my grand child . I love her with all my heart and I will never ever stop fighting for her !
When will all this manipulation be put to rest ?
Just wonder who it might be ? I can only surmise!
Ok ,so back to where I left off... Of course on Wednesday as per the court order my daughter gets the answering machine when she exercises her phone visitation to speak with my grand daughter Estella . Sadly its been that way since November !
Just like the PA Judge Barrett said and knew what would happen if he sent Estella to North Carolina to live with her Father To send this child to North Carolina is a death sentence for mother's relationship with the child.
Judge Barrett was the only judge to hear the facts behind this case Unlike the New York Judges, their staff as well as Law Guardians who were so intertwined that they formed a coalition to attack Attorney Tatiana Neroni at ever step of the way !It did not matter what Attorney Neroni submitted right ,wrong or indifferent it was denied . Isn't that right Lisa Gordon ?
You choose to discuss your opinion about Tatiana Neroni to not only my daughters council but to my daughter in a conference room when you knew my daughter was represented which is against procedure but what would you know about procedure ? No one ever checks on you , Lisa Gordon because you are a independent contractor to the court . You can do as you please Now tell me that's not true and I will prove you otherwise !
I believe that your conference with my daughter on July 10th was after she filed motion to have both you and the Judge Kushner recused as well as for an emergency relief because you never prepared an order of summer visitation of my grand daughter . I will cover those issues in another blog but for now I will get back to my topic.
I try to figure out why there was such a coalition by the courts to bring such negative actions towards Attorney Neroni no matter what and there are still those who continue to do so even after the fact !Here is my conclusion ,Attorney Tatiana Neroni is Russian , She speaks with a accent , shoots straight from the hip so at times when people are proven to be wrong especially those in authority who can not accept that they have been proven otherwise Moreover, my biggest conclusion is the fact that the majority of those who joined the coalition against Attorney Neroni are JEWISH and the fact that Tatiana Neroni is Russian leads me to believe those same JEWS hold prejudices against Russians because of acts that were committed committed against the JEWS by the Russians during WW11 ! Its sad to say but true ! A few months back someone of Jewish faith who held a position of authority slipped up with a statement that has stuck with me. Tell me I am wrong and I tell you more !
Anyway so, as I mentioned in my last blog that Ryan Adams who is a so called Marine lacks a Family Care Plan( FCP) which is mandatory for all members of the military as well as civilians who are part of the military .
I will demonstrate to you how Ryan Adams has manipulated the courts regarding the his lack of a Family Care Plan which contrary to his belief has all do with a single parent having custody of a child.
As mentioned previously that in January of 2012 I applied to Montgomery County Family Court in Pennsylvania as a intervener when it became known to my daughter that Adams was excused from a court appearance because he claimed had to be away for a few weeks due to a training course with the military Seeing that my daughter had joint custody of my grand daughter Estella this would lead to the question of who was left to care for my grand daughter during that time seeing that no one other than the parents had rights to my grand child . So rather than uproot Estella from school I filed to be an intervener so that I could stay with her perhaps in a local hotel suite until the father returned My daughter was a full time student at the time and being that I was free to help I offered . Plus there also came the issue of the lack of the family care plan . At that time Adams still did not have FCP At a prior time my daughter had FOILed the Military to see if she was listed on Adams family care plan as the mother of Estella However ,this came after it was discovered that that Ryan's wife Darcie had been listing herself as Estella's mothers. Like I had mentioned before no one would know otherwise because they have the same last name . Below is the answer to my daughter FOIL request
NO FCP FOUND ! To know there was no existence of a FCP even after Adams had two additional children was concerning as well as it answered the question of whether or not my Daughter Alecia was listed as Estella's mother . Please keep in mind that it was mandatory then and still is now for a military member to have a FCP in place .
However during the custody trial in Pennsylvania the FCP was put to the side when custody was given back to my daughter .
Moreover, when Adams removed Estella from her school in Albany NY when he claimed he had a order to do so when in fact he did not All he had was an opinion by a retired Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge who claimed it was his opinion that custody or my grand child should be reversed by an order to be issued by the lower court That opinion came after Adams claimed in an appeal he was not given a proper relocation hearing which I will go into further detail of those issues in another blog
However, both my daughter and I filed a Writ of Habeas in Albany County Supreme Court for the return of my grand child claiming that Adams had no legal right to remove my grand child from school on September 12th 2013 as well as he had no legal right remove her from New York with out a proper order from the lower court as per the opinion that was issued online on September 10th! As well as New York State Department of Education had no policy or procedure that allowed anyone to release my grand child to the father during school hours as it was considered a civil matter which the school had no jurisdiction to intervene with a custody matter .
For those Attorneys and staff who told us we were wrong by filing out Writ of Habeas in Albany Supreme Court need to refresh their knowledge to the law .
Instructions :
1 Check with your local court or a local family law attorney to determine which court has jurisdiction to hear your writ of habeas corpus. In New York, for example, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear the writ;
So the Writ was filed unfortunately both Staff and the assigned Judge, Michael Lynch along with his Law Clerk Amy Joyce were clueless to what the procedure was for a Writ that was filed on behalf a child that was other than your common Writ for a prisoner . Like most who are guided by someone in accordance to law but when that someone is other then a person with a legal degree as well as if that someone does not hold a position with in the legal field that sort of guidance is often not taken in a humble manner As a matter of fact Amy Joyce took great offense and to think that Judge Lynch who has since been promoted to the Appellate Division had the likes of Amy Joyce assisting him in his legal work says alot in my oppinion!. I am just wondering if Lynch continued to have Joyce as his legal assistant in the Appellate Division? If so I feel sorry for those who lives depend on the rulings of the Appellate Division !
Anyway ,back to Adams , there came a point in the Writ proceedings where I filed a motion to Renew and Reargue. However, before I could even serve Adams with my motion somehow he was able to answer that motion with a memorandum of law in opposition . The fact that Adams had access to filings prematurely and was able to answer so quick as well as the court accepting his filings by whatever form he elected to file such as by electronic means was very questionable Unfortunately I was not afforded the same opportunity perhaps because I was not a member of the military and I was not allowed to see any of Adams filings until after there was a decision rendered (please note that the below filing was not filed for viewing until 5/5/14 but date stamped on the April 4th as received by the court ) below somehow Adams was able to quickly answer my motion Please note to the fact of what he states about the Family Care Plan I make mention of
Anyway ,back to Adams , there came a point in the Writ proceedings where I filed a motion to Renew and Reargue. However, before I could even serve Adams with my motion somehow he was able to answer that motion with a memorandum of law in opposition . The fact that Adams had access to filings prematurely and was able to answer so quick as well as the court accepting his filings by whatever form he elected to file such as by electronic means was very questionable Unfortunately I was not afforded the same opportunity perhaps because I was not a member of the military and I was not allowed to see any of Adams filings until after there was a decision rendered (please note that the below filing was not filed for viewing until 5/5/14 but date stamped on the April 4th as received by the court ) below somehow Adams was able to quickly answer my motion Please note to the fact of what he states about the Family Care Plan I make mention of
Ok so it gets better as soon as Adams feels the courts might not be ruling in his favor he does like he has always, files in a jurisdiction that doesn't have jurisdiction in hopes of getting an order that might be to his advantage Like Adams did in July of 2014 after Judge Walsh a Albany County Family Court Judge who gave an order to my daughter that allowed her to have summer visitation with my grand child That order came after Albany County Law Guardian, Lisa Gordon was ordered to make an order per verbal instruction by Judge Kushner as well as it just happened to be that Judge Kushner could not be made available to issue her order when Gordon failed to do so However , it seems that Adams ran a little scared when his team who were also part the coalition didn't accomplish their effort to stop summer visitation So low and behold Adams files for to relocate in Onslow County NC where jurisdiction had not passed to * See below
However Adams keeps reverting back to New York orders as far back as 2008 NY .... NY..... NY .......
and lastly take a look at how Adams ends his request to relocate
Plaintiff seeks that North Carolina will honor the prevision of the Family Court of New York State in that his future relocation's that are an obligation to his career in the US Marine Corp would not warrant a change of circumstances for courts intervention
WHAT????? WOW! ..... WOW!
Superior Court of PA issued an opinion in which the court agreed with Adams claim in his appeal that he was denied his petition to relocate under the mandatory provisions of
23 Pa C.S.A. 5337 asking whether the court erred and abused its discretion. That's exactly what the opinion stated
So now you got Adams claiming to the North Carolina Court based on what New York claimed after Ryan had already relocated to PA in which the NY court had made that ruling to protect him mind you this came after Becker's decision was modified So, if that is the case why would there be a need for Adams to file a petition in Pa to relocate and then file an appeal because the Judge denied you custody ?
Look, this is exactly the same pattern of behavior that Adams has had right along but no one take heat to these forms of manipulations.
When the Appellate Division ruled against Judge Becker's finding her relocates
Same thing in PA when he feels that the Judge is not on his side he files to relocate but fails to let the court know his position is granted by application and not by obligation
Then when his team supporters and members of the coalition in Albany let him down failing to block my daughter from obtaining a court order of visitation by Judge Walsh who did the right thing he files for a relocation ! However a relocation for Adams was a very slim possibility !
Now when there was filing in Delaware County and Adams files an emergency relief as follows
Please note in Section D Adams completely circumvents the real issue of the Family Care Plan and the fact that he is a single parent is against military regulations which in my previous blog I included links to back my statements that contradicts what Adams claims to this court Then Adams has the audacity to state that what is of fact that is claimed against him is senseless and outlandish !
Ok so I would like to know how many of the 22 million other Military Members lack a Family Care Plan , how many are single parents and how many have more dependents allowed under military regulations as wells as how many were allowed to enlist with more than then the military allowed ?
Shall I go on?
As you can see Adams had claimed that Jurisdiction is in North Carolina as per a July 2nd order However, somehow on July 10th when my daughter was in court for a petitions she had filed seeking a written order of visitation that was ignored by both Gordon and Kushner because Adams refused to honor the oral order in which Judge Walsh had issued a temporary order Coincidentally, the order of July 2nd had not been issued nor had the attorney who was representing my daughter at the time in receipt of that order Nothing like a little undermindedness going on ! To top it all off Judge Jones of Onslow County issued an order of jurisdiction dated September 30th 2014 after she had a conversation with New York Judge Revoir which I write about in a previous blog.
Plus Adams makes reference to the claim of frustration of visitation stating that Petitioner misrepresents and portrays herself as a mother who is being denied
Adams what misrepresentation are being made now ? Especially when Mother exercises her phone visitation every Sunday and Wednesday but since November all she gets the answering machine when she calls ..... HUH ?
As well as when Mother tries to exercise her physical visitation with my grand child who is trapped in base housing in which mother can not obtain access onto Camp lejeune to retrieve my grand child
Plus Mother is threatened by Adams stating that if he finds that my daughter is in North Carolina she will have other issues to deal with!. As well as he threatened her while she tries to arrange physical visitation but phone while in the attorneys office in North Carolina so all could hear his threats !
Adams claim of fame is that everything that is flied is" frivolous and sanctions" need to be issued I will have more on that subject at another time
I will end for now and continue at another time
I wake every morning with the thoughts of my grand child . I love her with all my heart and I will never ever stop fighting for her !
When will all this manipulation be put to rest ?
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Court gave "Death Sentence" to mother daughter relationship by awarding custody to Ryan Adams
Once again tonight my daughter called as per court order for my grand daughter and she got the answering machine .
For those who don't know us or what has happened and what has been uncovered since July of 2008 when Carl Becker Delaware County Family Court Judge awarded Custody of my grand child to her father Ryan Adams I will try to explain in my writings . This poor child has been a victim of the systems abuse all because of the dislike of both Attorney Tatiana Neroni and myself by Judge Becker and disgruntle family members .
I want to all to know that the NY Courts has seriously erred through out the course of this custody battle
First off the Father is a so called Marine Rules are that Marines can not be a "single parent "
Single Parents are not allowed to enlist in the US Military, period.
Adams was a reservist who got married in February of 2008 after his so called room mate became pregnant . In February of 2009 after an appeal was taken where the appellate division ruled that Becker abused his discretion in awarding the father full custody of my grand child , joint custody was awarded and physical custody stayed with the Father . Adams then applied to become a active duty Marine as a second child was on its way . He enlisted taken a commission of 15 k and relocated to Blue Bell Pa with out permission from the courts.
The military limits the number of dependents an applicant can have. I believe that Adams now has 5 dependents That being (1) wife Darcie , 3 Sons Ethan , Evan and Ewan and Single Parent to Estella which is more than then military allotment
At the time of his active duty enlistment Adams already had three dependents
It is mandatory that all Marines as well as civilians are required to have a updated family care plan Failure to maintain a family care plan could subject the soldier to separation , administrative action or disciplinary action .
A Family Care Plan is for the purposes of the interests of the Marines dependents in the event that the solider is deployed all is taken care of as well as the intention is to ensure that all dependents under the age of 18 are taken care of in the event of the soldiers death.
So if there is No family Care plan what would happen to my grand child ?
Judge Michael Lynch does seem to think that matters !
A Family Care Plan is for the purposes of the interests of the Marines dependents in the event that the solider is deployed all is taken care of as well as the intention is to ensure that all dependents under the age of 18 are taken care of in the event of the soldiers death.
So if there is No family Care plan what would happen to my grand child ?
Judge Michael Lynch does seem to think that matters !
In 2012 after I filed an action in the Montgomery County family Court as a Intervenor in a Custody proceeding for my Grand Child The court required that Ryan submit a copy of his family care plan as I had claimed Adams could not have custody for several reasons one being No Family Care Plan
First I would like to explain that Ryan Adams is a single parent to my grand child Estella My daughter Alecia, her birth mother still has custody rights Custody Estella remains with both Parents ,However military law is federal law which supersedes state law ! So theretofore by law Ryan Adams could not have been given custody of my grand child from the GET GO and still has no legal right have her as of now
Here is how Adams and his wife Darice get over on the military Darcie's last name is Adams and so is Estella's so therefore Darcie puts her name down as Estella's mother and no one knows any difference until they are made of aware of what the issue is .
Now take a look at the Military Care Plan that Adams submitted to the court in 2012 Its not vaild but Adams had to hand in something cause he was ordered to do so Plus there is no mention of Estella among other issues with the so called family care plan
Now it gets even better !
In September of 2012 Montgomery County Family Court Judge Barrett awarded my daughter full custody of my grand child Estella
In a 65 page finding of facts after having 13 days of hearings Judge Barrett stated
What's amazing to me is the New
York judge in 2008 says mom and grandmother repeatedly
and systematically interfered with dad's visitation.
Dad will refrain from any attempt to interfere with
the child's contact with mom. That's what the judge
said in his order July 11, 2008. I'm not quoting it
I find the exact opposite.
It's not even close. This child has been damaged by
father's behavior and his wife's behavior. There's
been a systematic alienation of this child toward her
mother. It goes as far as the parties making
derogatory comments to the child about mother, and if
it wasn't father himself, it was his wife.
Judge goes on to state
THE COURT: This case has been
one of the most discouraging cases I've ever
encountered as a judge in 13 years with regard to this
criteria. To send this child to North Carolina is a
death sentence for mother's relationship with the
child. I say this because of the following, and this
is beyond any doubt in my mind.
Below Father submits his relocation order after he is mandated to do so
Please notice that the orders state
! Effective 0800 10 September 2012 per the reference you will stand detached from your present station and duties and are directed to proceed and report no later than 2359 10, Oct 2012 to HQ 4th MCD Harrisburg PA prior service permanent contact site MCB Camp Lejeune NC
Adams filed an untimely appeal in which superior court of PA gave back custody to for failure to comply with mandatory provisions of 23 Pa CSA 5337 which he claims was a denial of his relocation petition
Superior court ruled in the case of AB Vs RA No. 2949 EDA 2012
"Therefore, we are constrained to conclude that the trial court abused
its discretion in denying Father’s petition to relocate and instead granting
Mother’s petition for modification of custody."
Guess what ? Prior Service Recruiter is appointed by application not by so called military reassignment orders
Adams elected to take his position as a Prior Service Recruiter , What he did was he applied for the position during the custody proceedings in PA . Upon application which it is my understanding that for a marine to apply of this position they must not have any history of domestic issues nor can they be going through and kind of family court issues such as divorce or custody battles . Adams had both at the time of application . After such application is approved the soldier must complete a course which in the summer 2012 Adams was sent to California for his training . Upon completion only then are the options open to know where there are assignment availability Adams choose to be assigned on the camp lejeune base
As you can see Adams is based out of Harrisburg PA and assigned to camp lejeune . Therefore not only did Adams mislead judge Barrett but he mislead the Superior Court as well .
Judge Barrett is under the impression that If
he doesn't relocate, he can't be in the military. NOT TRUE
98 miles from Blue Bell Pa to Harrisburg Pa . Not only is it in driving distance but it was by choice not by mandatory military orders Would you consider this to be a denial of a relocation petition with the factors that have been presented? I think Adams needs to be relocated right out of the Military !
PSR Camp Lejeune NC
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO
So it seems according to Facebook Adams is with a Non Governmental Organization which leads one to believe he holds civilian position
I will leave you all with this for now and continue soon
The New York Courts have sided with Ryan Adams and his wife Darcie allowing the continued abuse founded by Judge Barrett of Montgomery County Pa
NO one has bothered to take in to account the best interest of the child all the system can think about is their vengeance towards my daughter , myself and Tatiana Neroni . How is that outside of New York State where there is no intertwined influence the ruling have been in our favor ?
When you have the likes of law guardian Lisa Gordon of Albany County who was found to have not done her Job and has never interviewed the child but has made a decision to rule against the mother on the bases of her dislike for Tatiana Neroni and myself when she has never even met me such people should be removed from their position from the court There is more to come with the dealing with Gordon
This is a clear case of New York System Abuse at is greatest extend !
Where is my grand child and how is that the courts have allowed such abuse of process by the father and allowed him to continue to bring such harm to not only my grand child but to the extended family as well ?
I love you Estella Bella I will never ever let you go!
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Subsequently Mr Frank Miller is WRONG !
I just got the minutes from a hearing on a so called Order to Show Cause in the matter of
OSullivan V Bowie 911-2014 that took place in Delaware County Supreme Court which, I was not present However ,Mr Frank Miller , the so called "GO GET HIM " county insurance attorney appeared on behalf of Bowie in which Judge Lambert grants the motion as he found MILLERS defense meritorious . There is was nothing in the minutes that Miller states that was meritorious , Maybe Mr Miller needs to double check his facts first before shooting off at the hip ! Subsequently Mr Miller the story you gave to the court very much lacks merit and your statements are WRONG !
Stay tuned there is more to follow...........
OSullivan V Bowie 911-2014 that took place in Delaware County Supreme Court which, I was not present However ,Mr Frank Miller , the so called "GO GET HIM " county insurance attorney appeared on behalf of Bowie in which Judge Lambert grants the motion as he found MILLERS defense meritorious . There is was nothing in the minutes that Miller states that was meritorious , Maybe Mr Miller needs to double check his facts first before shooting off at the hip ! Subsequently Mr Miller the story you gave to the court very much lacks merit and your statements are WRONG !
Stay tuned there is more to follow...........
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